I have been a guest speaker at two local primary school's end of year graduation/prize giving. I have also visited Waituna Creek School and was a guest at Gleniti School's Jump Power Day. It is great to be able to talk to the kids and tell them my story of how I actually got to were I am. It wasn't easy and it didn't happen overnight or get handed to me on a silver platter. I had to work really hard and a lot of people do not hear about that because they only hear about my success.
Drama League
A few weeks back now I visited a Drama League here in Timaru that were rehearsing for their up coming performance "The Wizard of Oz". Instead of flying monkeys they are having skating monkeys in the play. My skating expertise came in handy and I gave them a few tips so they don't fly off the stage and into the crowd.
Life Education Harold Club
I spoke about a month ago at the local Harold Club. The Harold Club is a group of local people and local business owners that support the Life Education Trust. The Life Education Trust is an organisation that teach young people throughout New Zealand about health and how to life a healthy life. I remember when I was at school the life education bus came to visit and I still remember being told by them "Do you think it would be cool walking down the street sucking on toilet cleaner and moth balls? Because that's what you do when you stick a cigarette in your mouth."
Temuka Pakeke Lions Club Sports Person of the Year
Last week I was the guest speaker at The Temuka Lions Club Sports Person of the Year. It was a great evening that acknowledged the sporting talent from Temuka and the district, from the young to the young at heart.
Rotary Club of Timaru
Last Tuesday I was the guest speaker at the Rotary Club of Timaru. On the 11th of April, the same day as I head back to Europe the Rotary Club are having a charity auction. Myself and Anderson and Bremford Studios have donated a Nicole Begg Calendar for the auction. If you are interested in placing a bid you can visit the website here.
Aorangi Womens Probus
This morning I spook at Aorangi Womens Probus. This was a great group of women to speak to that all meet up on a monthly basis. I hope I am as active and look as young as they do once I reach their age.
Christmas Parade
I was part of the previous Timaru Christmas Parade with my Kia decorated. The parade theme was "Commotion in the Ocean". We were going to get Bill on skates as a skating Santa but only one Santa is allowed, they didn't want to confuse the kids.
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