Tuesday, June 10, 2008

No More Train Tracks

Yesterday I was back at Luzern hospital which is becoming far too familiar. I first had x-rays taken and then saw the specialist. When I saw the x-ray I was expecting the fracture to be gone, fully healed and no crack. Instead I saw an x-ray that to me looked exactly the same as the x-ray taken four weeks ago. The doctor wasn't too worried about the x-ray because the movement and alignment of my jaw was good and there has been no pain. He said it will take a while for the fracture to fully heal and disappear from the x-ray but was confident that the wire splints/train tracks in my mouth could come out. My mum, who now thinks she is a specialist tried to tell me that it wouldn't be painful "snip, snip and they will just fall out" she said. Well it wasn't like that at all, there was a lot of twisting, yanking and blood. The wires were pulled back out in between my teeth and gums how they originally went in and yes it hurt.

Even though the wires are gone I can only eat soft foods that don't require too much chewing for another two to three weeks. It just seems to be an ongoing never ending process. It is a huge improvement though from five weeks ago when I was slurping liquids through a straw at least now I can get a spoon in my mouth. My next and hopefully last check up is in two weeks time.

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