Wednesday, May 7, 2008

The Good, The Bad & The Ugly

The Good
  • Went back to Luzern Hospital today for a check up and everything is looking ok. The doctor is pretty confident that the wires can be replaced with elastic bands on Wednesday 14th. He also said that I will be able to race the next WIC race in Holland.
  • On the way home we came across a Burger King, which is a rare thing to find in Switzerland. I had a strawberry thick shake and it was so good. That has been by far the best thing I have had through a straw during the last few days.
  • I was able to gently ride on the stationary bike in the garage tonight for 20 minutes and do a few light arm weights.

The Bad
  • I was only able to get about 2 hours sleep last night.
  • I used to like chocolate milk but I'm not going near it for quiet a while after this.
  • Had to have some photo's taken today with the team and my leg still hurts while skating.

The Ugly
  • Changed the dressing covering my stitches today, pretty ugly.
  • Cleaned the blood off my skates. I have created a new Bont boot colour, Blood Begg.

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